4X4 Evolution
pour le PC est maintenant OR
of Developers nous a confirmé aujourd'hui que
leur nouveau jeu pour le PC est maintenant OR et
sera en magasin le 30 Octobre prochain.
------ Bulettin
Reality's 4x4 EVO Goes Gold
PC, Mac, and
SEGA Dreamcast version To Hit Store Shelves
October 30
Terminal Reality
today announced that 4x4 EVO, its upcoming,
groundbreaking, arcade-style, 4x4 off-road
simulation for the PC, Mac and Sega Dreamcast,
has gone gold. All three versions will be
released simultaneously October 30.
4x4 EVO is being
published by developer-driven computer and video
game publisher Gathering of Developers.
4x4 EVO puts
virtual drivers behind the wheel of their
favorite real world SUV and/or truck and
challenges them to race through a variety of
detailed off-road environments. The game supports
Internet multi-player options between Sega
Dreamcast, Mac and PC. 4x4 EVO puts virtual
drivers behind the wheel of their favorite real
world SUV and/or truck and challenges them to
race through a variety of detailed off-road
4x4 EVO takes
gamers for a rough off-road ride through a total
of 15 courses, each with its own distinctive
design, music score and difficulty level. In
addition to contending with the other vehicles,
players will be challenged by a variety of
variables such as gates, trees, and tractors in
junkyards or on-coming traffic in construction
zones. Virtual drivers choose their own path as
they begin with a base truck and compete in a
series of off-road races to win cash. Drivers can
stop and rewind the action through a playback
feature and can view the whole race again from
multiple camera angles, and even different
racers' perspectives. Players can also use
GameSpy’s Buddy system for instant messaging
and keeping track of their fellow drivers.
4x4 EVO’s
features include:
- 15 Stunning and
treacherous off-road courses, including such
areas as deserts, bayous, construction sites,
junkyards, farm roads, airplane graveyards,
oilfields, truck stops, mountains, half-built
racetracks, forests, motocross tracks, tropical
islands, Mexican beaches, and top-secret military
testing facilities.
· 109 licensed
4x4 vehicles represented by the following
manufacturers: Chevrolet, Dodge, Toyota, GMC,
Nissan, Ford, Lexus, and Mitsubishi.
"Track-free" racing means no
constraints or barriers. Drive anywhere and
everywhere while navigating from checkpoint to
· First game
EVER that allows Dreamcast, PC, and Mac users to
competeagainst each other in heated online play.
· Based on
actual statistics, each 4x4 vehicle behaves just
like its real-world counterpart.
· Trucks feature
super-accurate suspensions that dip and react to
mogul and
· PC and Mac
versions support up to eight players over the
Internet or a LAN · Sega Dreamcast versions
allows 4 players to compete online
· 2-player
split-screen multiplay on the Sega Dreamcast, as
well as split-screen online mode.
· Terminal
Reality will offer a free downloadable track
editor that allows PC gamers to create their own
"lite" levels.
· Gamers on all
three platforms will be able to easily download
and play custom-built "Lite" levels.
· Robust yet
easy-to-use Chat System for conversing with other
· 5000-polygon
truck models incredibly detailed and accurate
versions of their real-life counterparts.
· Garage feature
allows drivers to tweak driving performance
· Cash won in
competitions may be used to buy upgrade parts and
equipment such as heavy-duty off-road suspension,
brush guards, performance exhaust, and special
off-road racing tires.
· Incredibly
tough AI competition that drives the courses from
checkpoint to checkpoint, just like human drivers
· Four different
times of day: Day, Dusk, Night, Pitch Black
· Four different
weather conditions: Clear, Rain, Fog, Dense Fog
· Particle and
light effects: Dust, Dirt, Highlights, Shadows,
Lens Flares, Water
· Actual drivers
inside trucks that react to steering, crashes,
and road conditions
· Courses
populated with interactive objects and obstacles:
fences, trees, locomotives, 18-wheelers, cars,
heavy construction machinery, roadsigns,
telephone poles, etc. Each reacts to real-world