Duke Bardorba's manor in Valentia has been invaded by a cultist named Sydney Losstarot and his troops. You are Ashley Riot , a soldier of the Valentia knights of peace, and you are sent there to investigate and settle with this cult. The game starts off with a 15 minutes interactive intro that really helps you jump in the story right away. Same process used in Metal Gear Solid but of course with Squaresoft 's magic touch of storytelling. En Garde! While the game is mostly played in dungeons you will interact with many characters. A lot of scenes are set with Ashley hiding and listening to the enemies in order to learn new informations. Yes, there is a lot of things to learn in the game but the story is so involving that you will ask for more. A RPG with a good story is good indeed but it would not be complete without an enjoyable battle system. Vagrant Story brings an improved version of the system seen in Parasite Eve. Half real-time, half turn-based it lets you hit your opponent on any body parts at your reach, some being more vulnerable than other. Vagrant Story's system also lets you handle many combos used in both offense and attack by simple well timed pressed button. It sounds rather easy but you will have to use them wisely as they make your "risk" meter go up. The Risk meter measures the way you handle combats. Risk zero mark means you are perfectly calm and you control the situation. When it gets high you will have a hard time hitting your enemy. As you process trough the game you will learn new chain and defense combos that you just have to set to different keys. You will also collect weapon parts. Whatch for the dragon |
Ashley Riot Weapon parts can be assembled (or dissembled) together at the workshops where you design your own weapons for dragons, undeads or humans.. Vagrant story's biggest problems are the confusing menus and that its really hard to fight some bosses if you do not equip yourself with the right weapon, fighting a dragon for half an hour gets long... Also you can only save at save points. The story is very involving and intriguing. The introduction to the story itself is worth the money you may spend on this game. This is just 15 minutes of the 40 hours and more of the game. Graphically this game exceed everything seen before on the PlayStation. The textures and skins are detailed and crisped. Everything is in 3D no prerendered background. Get prepare for the attack The music is quite good and never irritating. The sounds are great , you can tell what is going on with your eyes closed. The battle system is fresh and most of all ;EFFECTIVE. Encounters are mostly balanced if you are well prepared. The controls are nice too, you are the only one to blame if you fall somewhere because the camera view is outstanding since you can see from all angles and plus you can have the camera be your eyes and look where ever you want to. Vagrant Story brings us an experience that will be remembered as one of the most innovating role playing game of the PlayStation. Gamers who loves RPG, huge dragons or great stories will be more than pleased with this title. |
Compagnies Développeur Éditeur Catégorie Notes Originalité: 97% TOTAL: 98% Pré-Requis Console Contrôle Analogue Fonction Vibration Carte Mémoire Multijoueur Classé
par ESRB Pierre-Luc Cossette |
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