Thursday November 15, 2001 |
- Fitness Questions - - 1 - detailed weekly workout routine; I have been working out since the age of 15. I started with the Jane Fonda videos and I loved dressing up in the striped leotards and legwarmers. I always entertained myself through fitness. Even today the main objective is to just be physical and keep my body in motion and have fun with it. Fitness should feel good. Too many people make it a chore, or have unreal expectations and then it is impossible to stick with it. I have constantly changed my workout routines. When I needed to be bigger, stronger, and heavier, I used to lift an ungodly amount of weight. That was the real meat and potatoes. My workouts were short, but powerful. Everyday I would try to add one or two pounds on to the exercise of choice; usually squats, leg press, and the bench press were my strongest. At one point, I actually benched 365 pounds for a single. I never did it again, but I will never forget how heavy it felt and the intensity and focus I had at that moment. I knew that it was practically unheard of for a woman to do this. I used to line all the weights up and get ready, and all the guys at the gym used to rally around me and get me psyched up to lift the weight. Most of my "gym Posse" (all men of course), used to think I was the coolest thing they had ever seen. To the outside world, which could never understand the dedication and appreciate my unique strength, I was a beast and offbeat. To the people in my world at that time, I was a hero, and I felt like a hero. I was probably the closest thing to a wonder woman or a bionic woman in the flesh that they would ever see. That however was a different time in my life. I soon learned that with weights and fitness, you could be big, you could be thinner. You could actually sculpt and change your body and make it look any way you want it to look. After my intimidating years were over, and I had shown the world I could be a man-eater and a female killer who could throw men over my head with no mercy, I was able to move on, and show a little bit more of the feminine side of fitness. I do not ever regret being called freaky, manly, masculine, ugly…etc, although it did toy with my self-confidence back then, and I wondered about human nature and nonacceptance. At that time, my body fit a role for an appropriate time of my life, for my job! and if I did not have that exceptional strength and physical drive, I would never have even been brought to the game. I would never have become the character of Chyna, I would never have become the Princess Warrior, …and .I would never have become the same Joanie Laurer that I am today. Now I play a different role. One of strength and beauty. One of health and moderation. One that allows me to be a modern day princess warrior, but yet allows me to break stereotypes again by posing for the world’s most prominent men’s magazine. The epitome of the female form, the Amazon fantasy…. survival of the fittest, complete domination. Well come get your spanking boys because now there are women of all ages and sizes striving towards a hard body and a healthy lifestyle. My workouts are never the same now. I lift weights maybe two times a week using both my upper body and lower. Then I try to do a couple days of walking or the stair climber mixed in with tennis, swimming, hiking, or any other kind of physical activity. Most people think I work out for hours on end, but the truth is that quality overrides quantity every time! I love classes where I feel like I’m dancing, and I usually always have to listen to some type of music. I have over five hundred CD’s at home! I work hard and play hard. There are always people who come up to me and say, "why are you eating cheesecake, or…Oh my God, you eat that??????" It makes me laugh because it just shows you how people believe in that all or nothing way of thinking. Fitness is a lifestyle. I am not a bodybuilder! I workout, I eat in moderation and I treat myself often, and I will pretty much look the same 365 days out of the year. I am proud of that. - 2 - What motivates me? At first there was this point that I had to prove to the world that strength and femininity could mix, that an athlete could also be an entertainer and vice versa. I fought ugly stereotypes for many years and I simply would not accept them. Then I started getting an overwhelming amount of support from a different kind of demographic. All of a sudden, there were people out there who could relate to me because they somehow felt different from other people. They looked to me for inspiration, and in turn, I look to them now, and it is my fans who motivate me everyday. There is a huge difference between a fan liking what you do or the product which you represent, and respecting the person behind that product or particular role. I am motivated to look and feel my best everyday. That is a gift that fitness has given to me. I don’t have to look like anybody else…I can just look my personal best. - 3 - Favorite Body Part? I like my buff arms, my small waist and my eyes. - 4 - Least favorite body part? I wish I had a tighter behind. Slimmer inner thighs, and a smaller nose! - 5 - Physical Goal? I am happy the way I am now. I weigh 165 pounds and I like my body shape. It is very natural for me to maintain this way. - 6 - Tips to getting the ultimate figure? I started out with a trainer. A trainer can teach you the basics and motivate you. My schedule is crazy right now so I usually work out at all different times and days, but if I could, I would still work out with a trainer just for motivational purposes. Sometimes it’s nice not to have to think about it and just have somebody guide you through. I have learned so many exercises and so many techniques from different people too! Most of the time , the ultimate figure is just a matter of determination and dedication. Aahhh Desire!!! How bad do you want it? The technical part is not as hard as people make it out to be. Also, real expectations and confidence are key!!!! We all have different body types and it is important to realize, that if you are short, you will never grow a foot taller. If you have long lean musculature, you’ll never looked pumped up to the max. Be real about your body type so you are not trying to achieve the unattainable. Fitness is a lifestyle and getting a great physique takes constant work! It never ends. That is why we all don’t look like God’s. - 7 - What I eat? Again, moderation. I eat a lot of protein, I try to eat three meals a day, and I treat myself too. You will never see me eating fast food ever!!!! Most people know what is good to eat and what is bad. Workout and eat in moderation. I believe in a lot of basics loke milk and cheese, steak and chicken. I still am bad at getting those veggies in!!!!! - 8 - I love sweets. Sugar Sugar Sugar!!!!!!! Raw cookie dough, Strawberry Twizzlers, NY cheesecake. Sometimes I get weak and I’ll polish down a whole bag of peanut M&M’s, but I am only human. I fall off the horse, lick my lips in enjoyment, and get back on again. So there you have it!…..I wonder if Arnold Shwarzenneger likes M&M’s too? |
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