Tuesday June 17, 2003 |
The following content is now available in MechAssault via Xbox Live download. New Maps Demolition Town - This dense urban environment provides tight quarters for rampaging 'Mechs. Elevated bridges connect the upper city blocks. (download size 1499 blocks) Rock Solid - This not-so-stable asteroid has been hotly contested for its vast wealth of minerals. (download size 1247 blocks) Jotenheim (for Capture the Flag) - Opposing forces make calculated raids across this frozen battlefield. (download size 623 blocks) New Game Types Giant
Killers -The game type Giant Killers provides a
rather unique combat experience of pitting numerous
weaker combatants (Elementals) against a single very
large combatant. The first player to bring down the Giant
then becomes the Giant for the next round of fighting. Skirmish / Team Skirmish - Skirmish is also a variant on Destruction that limits 'Mech selection to Light and Medium ‘Mechs only, which are: Corvus, Elemental, Hackman, Kit Fox, Owens, Raven, Uller, Cougar, Puma, Uziel, Belial, Vulture, Mad Dog, Thor, and Summoner. |
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