Shadow Company

Top Secret Magazine

September 17th, 1998




I-Magic to Release Revolutionary New Real-time Combat Game


Shadow Company Allows Players to Control Mercenaries in 3D Environment


Stepping out of the shadows with a revolutionary new 3D game, Interactive Magic
proudly announces Shadow Company. A real-time, strategy/combat game,
Shadow Company promises to enthrall gamers everywhere with the
combination of life-like 3D mercenaries operating within a highly detailed
3D-terrain environment.

Players begin by assembling a team of mercenaries by choosing from diverse characters. Each
team member has a different background and is supported by a richly detailed dossier. Characters
in Shadow Company display unique personality traits that contribute, or detract, from their
combat effectiveness. Each mercenary is programmed to act and react individually to any given
situation. Choosing the right character with the right personality and attributes for the right job is

Mercenaries are immersed in a realistic, highly detailed environment. Textures have been sampled
from real world objects lending a reality that has yet to be experienced in a computer game.
Players can roam through the countryside using the free-floating camera. Look down on a
compound from far away or zoom in close enough to feel as if you are walking down a
cobblestone street. Dynamic light sourcing enhances the glow of street lamps and city lights. "The
quality and definition found in Shadow Company is yet to be seen by any other game in this
genre," said Interactive Magic Chairman, "Wild Bill" Stealey.

Physics modeling plays an important role in Shadow Company. For example, helicopter rotor
blades bite into the air. Armored vehicles will gain and loose momentum as they travel over rolling
terrain. Tanks will recoil when they fire. Bullet trajectories are affected by wind direction. When a
mercenary throws a grenade it will arc realistically as it flies through the air and
bounce when it lands.

Knives, pistols, grenade launchers, flame-throwers and machine guns are just a few examples of "tools of the trade" in Shadow Company's arsenal. The mercenaries will also be able to operate a
variety of vehicles such as helicopters, tanks, trucks, motorcycles and jet skis. Even snow skis and scuba gear will be equipment mercenaries may utilize in the game. A character will have the ability to jump into a tank, climb a rock face, scuba dive and rappel from a helicopter.

The rich detail coupled with unparalleled interactivity will make Shadow Company a "must have" game. Shadow Company will be crawling, running, climbing or swimming to store shelves in early
spring 1999.

Interactive Magic is based in the Research Triangle Park area of North
Carolina and is dedicated to developing and producing high quality simulation and strategy games
for both PC CD-ROM and Internet online markets.



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