Sid Meier recently hosted a SimGolf chat at, here are the transcritps of the first chat maxissid says, Hi everyone, I'm Sid Meier and welcome to... maxissid says, our very first SimGolf Webcast. maxissid says, There's a lot of stuff to talk about and... maxissid says, we'll cover as much as we can in this... maxissid says, first hour. Thanks for coming and... maxissid says, thanks for your questions. maxismagaha presents the speaker with question #8 from mike17: Will you be able to construct the course from scratch? maxissid says, Yes, your first job is to start building the course... maxissid says, the next screen shot show an empty landscape... maxissid says, just waiting for you to build a cool golf hole. maxissid says, The interface at left has three major buttons:... maxissid says, Build Course, Add Buildings, and the People button. maxissid says, The next screen shot shows us building the first hole. maxissid says, Notice the variety of terrain pieces in the interface panel... maxissid says, at the bottom of the screen. These are the... maxissid says, basic building blocks of your course. As you... maxissid says, will see however, building the course is just... maxissid says, the beginning of SimGolf. maxissid says, In this next shot we've built a couple of holes... maxissid says, and our course is coming to life. In the interface... maxissid says, can add to your course. Each building improves your course in a specific way. maxissid says, A driving range increases the skill of your players who are long hitters, a snack bar generates revenue and increases the happiness of players who have become hungry, maxissid says, etc. maxismagahapresents the speaker with question #12 from mike17: When do you intend to release SimGolf? maxissid says, Right now we're adding the fininishing touches and doing a lot of playtesting. maxissid says, It looks like we'll be out in October (2001). maxismagahapresents the speaker with question #19 from mcrosser: How much customizing will we be able to do? maxissid says, Players can also create customized golfers and determine the golfers clothing, personality, and face maxissid says, (including importing digitized faces from snapshots, etc. maxissid says, and bodies for their golfers) see the current screen shot. maxissid says, This allows you to put your entire family on the course or to create theme courses with Star Trek characters, your co-workers, international supermodels, or your favorite real golfers. maxissid says, Of course you can share your creations through the SimGolf web site. maxismagahapresents the speaker with question #13 from mike17: Will you be able to host tournaments? maxissid says, Yes you can host tournaments - the resident pro represents your 'alter ego' in the game. maxissid says, At first he must do all the chores at the course, from greeting guests, to selling sodas, to stamping out crabgrass.... maxissid says, As your course grows you can hire employees to handle these jobs and concentrate on improving the skills of your pro by playing practice rounds against other pros... maxissid says, When you are ready, you can hold a tournament against a course full of pros with the chance of winning major prize money! maxismagahapresents the speaker with question #116 from princess_sk8er: Can you sell food and drinks? maxissid says, Yes, one of the employees you can hire... maxissid says, is a soda vendor who will refresh thirsty... maxissid says, golfers. There is also a ranger to speed... maxissid says, up play on slow holes, and a groundskeeper... maxissid says, to get rid of those pesky dandelions. maxismagahapresents the speaker with question #50 from bigjoekaiz: Are the people shown around the edge of the logo actually in the game, or are they just concept art? maxissid says, Yes, actually bringing the people to life has... maxissid says, been one of the most fun parts of designing... maxissid says, this game - using dialogue, animations, and golfer AI. maxissid says, The golfers are really the primary feedback mechanism in the game - they tell you what you're doing right at where you need to try something new.I don't think this has been done before. maxismagahapresents the speaker with question #39 from bugdan: How do you play? maxissid says, Well, in the tradition of great SIm games, we don't tell... maxissid says, you how you have to play. Your goal might be... maxissid says, to make as much money as possible, or to create... maxissid says, the most beautiful course, or the most... maxissid says, outrageous course, or to build a Grand Slam course... maxissid says, and win a tournament against a bunch of other pros. maxissid says, It'sreally up to the player. maxisgibsonpresents the speaker with question #160 from fieryunicorn: Will there be different sceanrios you can choose from? maxissid says, Actually there are 16 areas of the world in which... maxissid says, you can build your course, each with unique features... maxissid says, Stonehenge formations in England, free buildings in some places... maxissid says, You can build your course in one of four styles: maxissid says, Parklands with woods, lakes, and forest... maxissid says, Desert, with snakes, rocks, and target golf... maxissid says, Tropical with palm trees, lakes, and alligators... maxissid says, and English links courses with Pot bunkers, gorse, and sheep. maxisgibsonpresents the speaker with question #42 from queenlinzofsims: Sid, would you type "Hi Lindsey!" so I can tell people Sid Meier said hi to me? LOL maxissid says, Hi Lindsey! maxisgibsonpresents the speaker with question #158 from aliclare: Where did you get your idea for this from? maxissid says, Well, I've always admired the games that... maxissid says, Will Wright has done, and the golf course design... maxissid says, idea seemed interesting and had a lot of... maxissid says, building, managing, and game play possibilities.... maxissid says, but as with all ideas we really didnt know until... maxissid says, we build a prototype whether it would be fun... maxissid says, It turned out to be alot of fun. maxissid says, In a few seconds I could plop down a tee, lay down a little bit of fairway, position the green, scatter around a few bunkers, and turn my little golfers loose. maxissid says, There's something mesmerizing about just watching my golfers whack that little white ball and seeing it sail through the air. maxissid says, It reminds me in some ways of watching the trains run in RailRoad Tycoon or checking the traffic in SimCity. maxissid says, But the game has actually grown to be as much about your golfers as the golf course. maxissid says, Each golfer has a personality which affects their play and their interaction with other golfers. maxisgibsonpresents the speaker with question #110 from bugdan: Do players react to the courses according to their personalities? maxissid says, Here's a picture of a golfer making a great shot... maxissid says, you can save these pictures in a photo album... maxissid says, Golfers have different skills which affects how they... maxissid says, respond to your golf course. maxisgibsonpresents the speaker with question #205 from dollmistress: What is the best (in your eyes) part of the game? maxissid says, I really like the way that all of the game elements relate to each other in some fashion. maxissid says, A fun, well-designed hole will make you players happy, happy players will pay more money to play,... maxissid says, more money allows you to expand you course, a larger course generates challenges from other professional golfers,... maxissid says, playing against other pros increases the skills of your pro golfer, your pro can win big cash prizes in tournaments held at your course, maxissid says, more money allows to add a variety of buildings to your course, buildings add to the skill and happiness of your players, etc., etc., etc. maxissid says, One of the things we learned with Civ is how interesting... maxissid says, it is to have a variety of things interacting with each other.. maxissid says, in ways that create interesting decisions... maxisgibsonpresents the speaker with question #244 from proadam: In The Sims House Party, if you throw a great party a guest celebrity comes. If you build a great course in SimGolf will a great golfer come and play? maxissid says, Actually, if you build a great course you will... maxissid says, have both celebrities AND great golfers come to your course. maxissid says, You will be able to customize the celebrity file to include... maxissid says, your favorite celebrities or download files that other SimGOlf players have created. maxissid says, You can create your own great golfer files as well- including skills stats etc. maxisgibsonpresents the speaker with question #249 from simmasterfran: Is tigerwoods in the game? maxissid says, Actually, you can customize your golf pro file.. maxissid says, to include any of your favorite golfers... maxissid says, past or present. maxisgibsonpresents the speaker with question #253 from queenlinzofsims: Convince me that you have transformed one of the dullest games on earth into a game as addictive as The Sims. (Not to be comparitive or anything.) maxissid says, Well, I thought city management was dull before I played... maxissid says, Sim City. I thought history was dull... maxissid says, until I made Civilization. maxissid says, I thought sending people to the potty was boring... maxissid says, until I played the Sims. You never know! maxissid says, As you can see from the screen shot we've... maxissid says, provided some special landmarks from Civ to... maxissid says, help you to spice up your course. maxisgibsonpresents the speaker with question #96 from bigjoekaiz: I read about an example where an employee and an employer will be golfing with each other, and the employee's future depends on how he golfs. How does a situation like this work? maxissid says, I think the golfers stories is one of the neatest parts of the game... maxissid says, Here's an example... maxissid says, of a story between a young married couple - Chip, the active, nice, and playful surfer - maxissid says, and Olga, his active and playful gymnast wife.These youngsters are both enjoying their round of golf as Olga begins the conversion on hole #2. maxissid says, Olga "Haven't you felt there's something missing in our life?" maxissid says, Chip: "Well yes, now that you mention it." maxissid says, Later on hole #4… maxissid says, Olga : "I'd love to hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet." maxissid says, Chip: "I know just what you're talking about." maxissid says, Unfortunately Chip hits his drive into the water on hole #5. maxissid says, Olga: (on hole #5) "We could turn the extra bedroom into a nursery." maxissid says, Chip: (responds) "Then where would my mother stay?" maxissid says, But chip hits a great recovery shot on hole #6. maxissid says, Olga: "We could turn the extra bedroom into a nursery." maxissid says, Chip: "Sure, and we'd put a swing set in the yard." maxissid says, Hole #9 is a lovely flower lined hole with a scenic lighthouse, which has been rated on of the top 100 holes in the country. maxissid says, Olga: "Let's have a baby, when should we start!" maxissid says, Chip: "Tonight sure sounds good to me!" maxissid says, So here we have a HAPPY ENDING! and all... maxissid says, because of your well designed golf course... maxissid says, Stories are a great opportunity for players to... maxissid says, customize thier games and share story files... maxissid says, with other players. In fact, we are hoping... maxissid says, to make a story creation tool available soon... maxissid says, if you'd like to create stories and share them... maxissid says, with other SimGolf players. maxissid says, I think we've time for one more question. maxisgibsonpresents the speaker with question #258 from mcrosser: Is there only one view level or can you zoom in? maxissid says, You can change your zoom level, if you look... maxissid says, at the interface in the lower left, there are... maxissid says, zoom and unzoom buttons as well as rotate left, maxissid says, and right, info screens and reports, and load/save. maxissid says, We've got a lot more to talk about but we've... maxissid says, run out of time for today. Next time we might... maxissid says, take a closer look at the golfer stories along... maxissid says, with a tool for making your own stories. I'd... maxissid says, also like to go into more detail in terms of ... maxissid says, how you play the course and improve your skills. maxissid says, We'll also have more details on uploading and maxissid says, downloading files. Thanks and see you soon. simmastersteven says, Thanks to Sid and the other Firaxis employees who came today, we appreciate your taking time out of your busy schudule to spend some time with fans. maxisdano says, Thanks for coming Sid! |
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