Guardian's Crusade

Thusday March 30, 1999


Do you have what it take to bring Baby back to is mom ?

Developed by the same team which carried out Battle Arena Toshiden, TamSoft, and published by Activision, Guardian's Crusade is an excellent, although easy, roleplaying game.

Called Knight and Baby in Japan, Guardian's Crusade transports you in the world of a young knight who returns one day from an adventure and on his path he finds a small creature who's name is Baby. The young knight then has a vision which tells him to help this small being to get back to his mother in his native land.

The two companions leave then for an adventure which will lead them to the other side of the world. During the travelling that await our two heroes, you will have to take care of the young Baby. You see Baby develops differently according to the way you take care of him. You must thus nourish it, reward it, punish it, etc... Depending how you take care of him, Baby will gain certain abiliities while growing. Throughout your path you will also acquire several Living Toys, which can transform and help you during combat.

Contrary to several roleplaying game on console where the battles are randomly determined, in Guardian's Crusade you will see the ennemies come from afar before a engagement.

"Oh, the nasty crab "

"Baby got a long neck"

You can then avoid certain monsters if you wish to. It is also possible to determine the force of the enemy by his size on the screen (the larger monsters are stronger than the small ones).

The creators have pay much attentions to the small details, which makes the game very captivating but unfortunately it does not offer much difficulty to the veterans roleplaying gamers. The graphics are very simple but the animations of the living toys in combat are very well done.

The music is rather ordinary but the sounds that toys and Baby produce will surely make you smile.

The force of this game is really in the interaction between Baby and the knight. Like a small familiar, you will stick to the small creature and will try to raise it the best way possible (but be warn if you spoil it too much it will not want to fight any more).

Guardian's Crusade is a game with much charm which will keep you in front of the television set until the end.




Interest : 85 %
Control : 75 %

Graphics : 75 %
Sound : 80 %
Originality : 80 %

TOTAL : 80 %



Accessories :
Memory card
Analogue Control
Compatible Vibration

Simon Larouche
Aka: Valianor



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