Monsters Inc.
is a 3D action platform game that is based on the
animated movie Disney/Pixar Monsters Inc. There is two playable characters, James P. Sullivan also known as Sulley, a huge intimidating monster with blue fur, large purple spots and horns, and his Scare Assistant, Mike Wzowski, a green, opinionated, feisty little one-eyed monster. When you start the game there is Roz the mail box that directs the orientation that shows you how to play to game and familiarize yourself with your character. Each monster has their own abilities Sulley can do the tailspin, slap attack, monster fur flop aerial pounce, somersault jump. And mike can do the spinning ball attack, the bouncing eyeball aerial pounce, double jump. And both can perform; attack, jump, double jump, hang and pull up from hanging position , move while hanging, grab, drop and throw object, attack, moving attack, and unique aerial attack, opens doors, activate switches and climb ladder. The Gameplay consist of picking up Primordial Ooze of different color to scare off what they called Nerve. Each Nerve has a specific color so you need to pick the right color for your fright meter so you can scare them off. |
When you do, there is flashing blue helmet on the Nerve that means that you can enter the scare mode, Watch the scare canister when you scare the Nerve to know when to do the finishing scare. There is also the health meter and it is divided in 5 section, you need O bag to replenish it. The Lives indicator starts with 3 lives you can earn more as you progress in your game. There is 3 training ground urban, desert, artic each are divided in 4 different region for you to explore. Certain areas of a region are really tough to find or are totally unreachable without the help of monster enhancement. Like speed arrow, fling shot and trampolines will give Sulley and Mike special powers to explore the far reaches and hidden areas of a region. Beware of toys they take away health section. also there is traps or dangerous machinery. You can walk in low water but you will lose life if you fall into it. The Gameplay is not hard to master and this game is gear more towards young gamers. The graphics is done in a cartoonist style. Monsters Inc. is a game that is gear more towards the younger crowd or the inexperience gamer. |
Companies Developer Publisher Category Notes Originality: 70% TOTAL: 72% Requirements Console Analog Controller Vibration Function Memory Card Multiplayer Rated
by ESRB Kelly Wilson |
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