Parasite Eve



Monday December 05, 1998


Need a fix till Resident Evil 3?

If you look back just a few short years, games were weird.  Making giant burgers, delivering papers and even some plumbers socking it too giant monkeys.  How far we have come.  Games now sound and almost feel like movies.  Parasite Eve falls into that slot of games.

The game feels like a cross between Final fantasy  and (even more so) Resident Evil. If copying someone's idea is a form of flattery, then the makers of Parasite Eve must really have loved that game.  As soon as you play the game you will be in very familiar territory. This game is so embarrassingly similar to Resident Evil that at times I forgot what game I was playing.

The game itself is your standard complex Japanese story line.  You play a nice girl who "MAY" have something to do with a creature called Eve.  Eve is a nice young woman who enjoys singing opera and burning her audience to death.  As I said, your run of the mill odd Japanese story.

  Unlike Resident Evil, there are no voices for the few game characters. Characters converse much like they do in most games, with little boxes of text on the screen. Unlike other Japanese games this one does have some very nice translations. They did a good job keeping the lingo ALMOST believable.

The game plays in a nice laid back way that is not as scary as Resident Evil but it does like to turn up the gore factor now and then.

The game is easy to learn and not as difficult as Resident Evil.

Our Hero! Kills bugs dead

Spooky at times? Nahhh

The stupid Typewriter save that Resident Evil uses is not to be found. You save your game by finding a telephone.  Simple and easy. Moving around the pre-rendered screens starting to feel dated. At times the game screen can be confusing as you need to try and find your way out of a level. Not because it's hard to find but just hard to see.

  Combat in the game is a little bit like Final Fantasy 7. You aim and let fly your attack in much the same way but you can also move around BEFORE and attack.  This is a nice option but you still get hit 80% of the time.  You use guns of different types and sizes. The guns can be modified with the help of tools to make them more potent. You also learn spells or powers. Without giving too much of the story away you can (over time) do some neat things, like healing and such.

As for the music, at times it is very good and at other times (as in combat) the music becomes very annoying. The game sound is ok but does not stand out very much.  Strangely at times, sounds like footsteps and doors unlocking sound EXACTLY like those used in resident evil.

The game is in the end too easy for hardcore gamers.  Not many puzzles and monsters that are easy to kill drain this game of any real satisfaction of playing.  Younger players or people who are new to games like this will have fun. Just be ready for some odd story twists and sleepy gameplay at times.




RPG - Action


Originality: 95%
Gameplay: 92%
Interest: 96%
Graphic: 89%
Control: 91%
Sound: 93%

TOTAL: 93%



Analog Controller

Memory Card
1 Block


Rated by ESRB
"E" Everyone

Matthew Dussault



- Preview -


Parasite Eve II




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