Developed by
Yuke's and published by JAKKS and THQ, WWF Smackdown 2 is
even better then the first one which will please all the
wrestling fans plus the new comers as well. They took what was good in the first one and polished it with all sorts of new features. When you start the game you are treated with a nice movie clip of all the favorites wrestlers that makes you anxious to start to play. First the interface and the menu are very clear to follow and in between loading you have a Exhibition, Season, Create a Pay-per-View, a Superstar, a Taut, a Stable are your main modes to choose from, you can also see the ranking and who is holding which belt. You will find new features like ladder matches mode and you can fight in the parking lot and other places. You have new options too like Stable where it allows you to group some wrestlers together, 12 groups are already made and you can create 8 more or modify them to way you want. When you start you have 54 wrestlers to choose from all of the popular one like The Rock and Triple H and new one like Lita are there plus you can choose to create your own wrestler like on Smackdown but this time even more choice are available to you when you create your superstar. More wrestlers can be unlock when you play the Season mode surprisingly Stone Cold is one of them. The control are quite good you can perform all the moves from their respective wrestlers but you can not use your analogue stick to control your wrestler and it will not turn towards your opponent automatically. So that means that you always have to turn around or else you perform the moves where their is no one and that makes your wrestler look like kind of stupid hitting when there is no one there. |
nice picture of a wrestler with her or his signature to look at. Strangely some stats are missing like Stephanie's and Lita's. Also when you throw someone to the post she or he will always fall the same way like as if Rikishi would perform is finishing move on. The crowd sounds is good but you have no announcers Jim and Jerry are missing. The camera views are fine but it will not change angles often . When you are playing the season mode all the matches are display for that night and you always have to select each of them and decide if you want to play it yourself or have the cpu do it for you. This gets very annoying after a while you do not have the option of having it all done at once and move to the next night like you can do in football games. The pace of the game is very fast and entertaining it makes you feel the atmosphere quite well. The collections of moves you can do adds a lot of value to the game. You can perform the moves of the wrestlers impressively quite well like they do during a match also the better you play the more moves are unlock for you to access as you progress in the match. When you get to the finishing move you will see Finishing moves scroll on the screen. Plus the fact that you can see spectacular moves done being execute nicely because the graphics are very good makes the game a lot of fun to play. Also it is add spice to your match to see wrestler coming at opportune time to help you out while you wrestling. WWF Smackdown 2 is the best wrestling game on the market right now and is a must have in your collection games if your are a fans and for the new comers as well. |
Companies Developer Publisher Category Notes Originality: 92% TOTAL: 95% Requirements Console Analog Controller Vibration Function Memory Card Multi-tap Multiplayer Rated
by ESRB Julie Meyer |
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