VRally '99


Tuesday, July 13 1999



The Game Boy Color used to the Max!


The Famous World Rally Championship has returned, now on your GameBoy Color and only on this console. Infograme pushed the limits of the GameBoy Color to its maximum to come out with a sensational racing game.

Like the others Rally, the game proceeds throughout the world in more than ten different countries. This makes a total of approximately 40 circuits on which you can race under several different climatic conditions. Moreover, the racing cars used in this game are exactly like those of Rally. Let us take for example Ford Escort VRally, Peugeot 306, Mitsubishi Lancer WRC and Subaru ImprezaWRC. You have the choice to test your vehicle in the arcade mode or to go through the challenge of the 40 circuits in the international championship where you will find all kinds of surfaces to drive on. To help you, yellow arrows will appear all over the race to indicate the turnings to you. Also, you will face opponents who also want to win this championship.

Race in Europe!

Ouch !

On the other hand, you can only play with one player. This decreases by far the time that you will pass playing this game.

GameBoy Color was pushed to the maximum for this game, but without exceeding the limits of this console. The graphics are good and the backgrounds at the time of the races represent well the countries in which you race. The sound is very good for GameBoy, imitating the sound of the engine of your vehicle. Control is good, making use of your reflexes considering the high speed in which you race.

VRally ' 99 is a very good game for GameBoy Color. It carries you around the world on various grounds having each one their own characteristics. It is a very significant challenge that a good player of GameBoy can fix himself to try to pass through the 40 circuits of the ten countries of VRally ' 99. Of course, it will be necessary to take the time to choose a racing car before launching out in this adventure.


Eden Studios





Interest : 79 %
Control : 87 %
Graphics : 90 %
Sound/Music : 89 %
Originality : 76 %

TOTAL : 84,2 %


Game Boy Color

Number of Players
1 player

ESRB Rating




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