Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries






Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries

Developed by Cyberlore and Fasa Studios and published by Microsoft, base in the year 3063 Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries is a non linear game where you accept contract of your choice in order to earn C-Bills to purchase or repair your BattleMech plus you can also hire or fire Lanncemates as well.

This guide of 241 pages is divided in 10 Chapters. In the first Chapter you will learn how to manage you Mech plus information about the Heads-up display, Heat management, Combat Strategies for long and Short range Battles plus Lancemates Tactic with a table of statistic on each pilot.

Chapter 2 has a picture and statistic on the LIght, Medium, Heavy and Assault Battlemech plus the strength and weakness on each of them.

In Chapter 3 there are tables list statistics of all Beam, Ballistic and Missile Weapons plus information on Electronic Equipment and Strategies on how best to deal with ennemies Vehicles.

Chapter 4 begins by explaining each of the 4 Mercenaries Groups with also the amount of C-Bills and which Mech will be available to start with. Then information on how to use the MechLab and the Free Market plus how to acquire Contracts. There is also a section on the Solaris VII missions.

Chapter 5 -9 provide a complete mission walkthroughs for all available contracts within this non-linear campaign. The Chapters are divided by Planet. With each Planet there is a map with Checkpoints and a Battle Plan.

Chapter 10 offers you Combat Tactics for the Mutliplayer mode plus scoring Tables.

Through out this guide there are many Tips in each Chapters that comes directly from the Cyberlore Team either from Ferret Baudoin, Corey Navage, Designers or Erik Hawley, Production Tester.

Publishing Date
October, 2002


Game by
Fasa Studios

Mech Action


Doug Radcliffe

# of Pages

Black & White

Strategies and Secrets

Rated by ESRB
"T" Teen

$19.99 U.S.
$31.95 CAN
£14.99 U.K




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