The Mark of Kri is the first fully internally designed and developed title by Sony Computer Entertainment America's San Diego development studio. The Mark of Kri is an action adventure game where you play the role of Rau the Warrior who travels with his spirit guide, a magical large ancient bird named Kuzo. When you walk in the Inn at the far end is your Master Baumusu before you start the game there is a Training Level where your Master Baumusu will teach you how to fight and how Kuzo can be of help to you through out the game. Kuzo has a very original and unique feature. Kuzo rest on Rau' s arm and you can send him on a Perch where then you can see through his eyes like in the TV show the Beastmaster. This is very useful since you can send Kuzo ahead of you so that you can see if there are enemies if so you will see where they are exactly and how many you will have to face. There are 3 colors of Perches for Kuzo. Blue represents a normal perch where Kuzo can scout the area. Yellow represents a percg near ancient writing that Kuzo will read for you and Red represents a perch on a ladder or switch that Kuzo will activate by flying to. also Kuzo can retreive Items for rau if there are located on a Perch. During your adventure you can collect Items like Save Scrolls, Health Power-up, Health Capacity Increase, Arrows and Tuku. |
Tukus are mystical artifact and there is one in each level to find and if you find them all you will be rewareded. Master Baumusu will also teach exactly how to fight. Since you can target a specific enemy while you fight. You will start the game with a Sword as you weapon has you progress you will acquireer a bow , an axa and a Taiahia. Plus Rau has a Stealth ability where you can kill an enemy silently without alarming others around. There are 6 levels to complete; Ruins of Tiru, Tapuroku, Heiadoko Forest, Vaitaku Fortress, Meifiti and Rahtutusai. Each levels has between 4 to 8 Baumusu' Challenges to accomplish plus a Tuku to find. If you complete all the Challenges in each level the Time Attack and Body Count game will be unlock. If you succeed each of them will give you rewards llike new outfit to wear and Concept Arts to view. After yo have completeed the first level you can go upstairs in the Inn where the Sage will alllow you to replay levels that you have previouly completed. The Mark of Kri is a refreshing original title where you need to combine stealth and combat skill plus the cool feature where you have the help of Kuzo your mgical bird to help you out the entire game. |
Companies Publisher Category Notes Originality: 88% TOTAL: 88 % Requirements Console Analog Controller Vibration Function Digital Control Pressure Sensitive Memory Card Multiplayer Rated by ESRB Kelly Jackson Guide |
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