A big piece of art. |
A new game as join the french gaming univers of computers and it is a huge one. The autor of this game is name Benoît Sokal, he was a comic book writter that was dreaming about multimedia and he made is wish come true in an amazing way. Developed by Microids and Casterman, Amerzone is publish by no one else then Ubisoft. This game has a bright future in front of it. Following the line of Myst and is sucessor Riven, that has, even today, a lot of success. Amerzone is braking all the border lines made by the two others. But do not miss understand, Amerzone is not in the same series at all. The story is beginning in Bretania where you, the journalist, want to make a report on the "whites birds" legend after reading some books on that subject. The first think you do is talking with the postman you meet on your way. He come from the old explorer house where you are going to. You continue your way and enter in the house of the old man. He talks to you about the Amerzone and try to push you in a big adventure to repair the error he has done 50 years ago and he dies after taking to you. That is how you are push in a big adventurer even if you do not really want it. You will discover strange land but realistic and some caracters. But it will not be easy, you will have to resolve a lot of puzzle, problems and clues with your logic. You begin by following the old explorer steps to finaly complete your mission and stop the "whites birds" malediction. The legend of "whites birds" says that those birds where created by God for the indians people to let them have the eternal life. Those birds are born in the air and are dies in the air too. But one day some things really bad happen. A sorcerer steal the egg of the "whites birds" that God has gave to the indian. Since then a malediction is on the Amerzone, an imaginary country in the middle South of America. It is a good time for you to go and explore. Find the egg and then accomplish your mission. The old adventurer dead |
One kind of the insect There is nothing to change in this game. But the perfection do not exist. Even if it is very difficult to find a down side in this game. We can maybe say that the controls are not always reacting like you want. That can frustruate you after sometimes. This game is a true treasure. A 360° vision very smooth, backgrounds and caracters all in 3D and very magnificient. Graphics are top quality. Also, the game takes the full screen. There is some pictures of animals that are very realistics. The gameplay is very interesting you will play hours and hours without decreasing your interest for this game. It is also very simple to understand and to use. Some more and more exciting places where you will find clues. The sounds effects, the musics and the others increase the reality of the game. They take you in a total different world. You will listen to ocean background or birds sound and much more sounds that will make you forget who and where you are. The story is unique and very long. You will stay several hours working on clues and searching for some tips to continue your way in the Amerzone. Finaly, the adventure is waiting for you more then ever on your PC. You will think about this unforgetable game at work or even at school. This simple game will make you dream about imaginary world. Some exciting clues but only your logic will help you complete your mission of bringing back the egg of the "whites birds" to the indians of Amerzone. For this you will pick up some stuff and put it in your backpack. But please, do not forget to breath in front of those incredible images and worlds that will open right in front of your eyes and try to remember that it is only a computer game, but a good one.Please take note that the game is only made in french but it is well worth your money if do understand the language. |
Companies Developer Publisher Category Notes _Originality:
94% TOTAL: 93% Requirements Operation System Processor Memory Hard Drive CD ROM Sound Card Video Card Input Device Multiplayer Rated
by ESRB |
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