Sarge is back with his army |
3 DO that brought us Army Men the game with the infamous little green plastic soldier that we used to play with when we were young is back with Army Men II. Last time when you bought the game 3DO included a little green plastic soldier for those who had did know what they looked like in real life and as a collector item for fun or a collecting item for those who knows them. This time they did the same thing but instead of 1 you have 2 one green and one yellow. The yellow represent actually the enemy army in the game that you will have to fight off. When you start the game you have a tutorial call Boot Camp that you should start with. Although it is not necessary to start a game it is very useful if you want to play well. In this Boot camp you will be the main character the soldier Sarge. You will be able to learn everything you need to know like how to use all the weapons and how to drive the vehicles in the game all of this is spread through out 7 exercises. Then you can go play a single or a multiplayer game. The single mission consist of 13 mission where you will be brief on what to achieve and do before each of them. Your main character is Sarge will be accompanied with some soldier. The mission will end only if you complete it or when Sarge dies. If Sarge dies during the mission we will be able to return where you where with the continue option that will be available to you. Sarge will be able to carry 6 items or weapons at the same time so you need to drop some at some point but you can can always go back and picked them up later if you need them. Many weapons and equipment are available through out the game like the a sniper riffle, bazooka, morta,grenades, medkit and new ones like the magnifying glass. To use what you carry you only need to click the item to use it concerning the healing one you can then select the soldier you want to heal then you will hear it say "thank you Sarge". Stay away from the stove |
Play as Sarge You also have vehicles like tanks, jeeps, halftrack, cargo truck and also new is a PT boat. And some battlefield structure like auto-repair facility to repair your vehicles or the medical tent to heal your troops. If you chose the multiplayer mode you will be able up to 4 players and they made it use to use the MPlayer or the HEAT network. 6 multiplayer missions are paint-based and all have different rules like Death Match, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, Death or Capture the Flag, Black Flag Killer and Hold the Black Flag. One important thing that is missing in the multiplayer mode is the map are not available to you like in the single mode. And there is no map editor so it can becomes repetitive after a while. The little green and yellow soldiers are quite nice to look at but the background graphics could be improve like the when Sarge walks in the sand there is no trace of it foots steps and the ocean and sand line is quite poor. The AI needs also to be improve because when you move your troops they always makes odd turns like going backwards then forward. The best thing about Army Men is the sound track. Each levels has popular classical music playing in the background. Music by Rossini and Wagner will keep your interest going while you play. Army Men 2 is already set up so you can right away play either on MPlayer or on the HEAT.NET network for the multiplayer mode. And for those who like fighting but does not like the blood part no need to worry the worst thing that can happen to your soldier is to melt so make sure you stay away from the stove. Army Men 2 is missing some important factors and element to make it into and outstanding game but is still quite original with those little green soldier that brings you a different style fighting with little plastic soldier and surely will bring back lots of memories to those who used to play with them when they where young. |
Companies Developer Publisher Category Notes Originality: 77% TOTAL: 75% Requirements Operation System Processor Memory Hard Drive CD ROM Sound Card Video Card Input Device Multiplayer Rated
by ESRB Julie Meyer Golden Lion |
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