Interview With the Executive
President of Playstation Canada.

Thursday, December 3, 1998

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On November 18th, LadyDragon had the pleasure of interviewing Harry (Butch) Freedoff. Mr. Freedoff is the General Manager of Playstation Canada and represented the interests of Playstation in his recent travels through Montréal.


Harry Freedoff is the General Manager of Playstation Canada, and he is responsible for the promotions of Playstation products. the following interview gives some new insight to the new games from Playstation and 989 Studios.

The Playstation console is without a doubt, THE BEST CONSOLE. How do you contribute Playstation's success despite the competition from Nintendo 64?

Harry: "Playstation is a well-known company and we are responsible for 20% of the profits of Sony. Playstation offers quality products. For example, our new product, Dual Shock does not need batteries and offers different levels of challenge. In addition, the number of games becoming available each month is growing by leaps and bounds."

Crash Bandicoot 3 appears to be your newest hit. Has Crash delivered the amount of success desired by the Company?

Harry:"We are satisfied with the addition of the game Crash Bandicoot 3 to our Family of Games. Some innovations were necessary in making this version and we are delighted with its success and that the personage of Crash has had such success."

About 989 Studio, is this an independent company or is it an addition to the Playstation Family?

Harry:"989 Studio is an integrated company of Playstation. Currently, it includes 989 Sports which is devoted to the conception of games for the hockey, baseball and the football enthusiast, such as Game Day 99. We publish several games each year and we enjoy the collaboration of 989 Studios and many other companies in making these successful games.

Dreamcast is coming to the market soon. How do you think this competitor will impact your market?

Harry:"With the technological advances of the day, we have no choice but to progress. We are currently working on the conception of Playstation 2 which will offer new innovations in graphics and quality of Downloading. We believe our new console will be able to rise above all others in the tradition of our current Playstation console."

Playstation seems to be doing a lot of promotional tours in Quebec these days. Why is that?

Harry:"We at Playstation have noticed that Quebec is a booming market for video games. A large number of our consumers are from Quebec, and thus, we feel the need to be present in this area to contribute to the continuation of that success. We also wish to be near events taking place in Quebec to assure the publicity of our products.

Can You Project a Future for Playstation in Canada?

Harry: "Yes, a future here in Canada is anticipated. For the moment, we wish to assure the promotion of our new titles at events here. In addition, we will be present for the opening of the store Hobby Virtuel in La Place Versaille and will offer the availability of our Playstion machine, promotional materials and demonstrations of Crash Bandicoot 3, Spyro and other games."

Thank You For Your Time. How Has Your Trip to Montreal Gone?

Harry: "Very exhausting for I am only here for two days and I have several places to visit in conjunction with the promotion of Playstation. Nevertheless, I am very happy and enthusiastic to see the interest people have for our products here. We are taking great interest in what hardcore gamers have to say. Montréal is a beautiful city and we are delighted to find that there are as many video gamers here as there are in all of the remainder of Quebec."


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