The online adventure has never been so fantastic ! |
yourself to embark in an adventure without end which will
make you discover a new world that you won't be able to
leave after you've seen it. Everquest, a online role
playing game (you must have a Internet connection to
play) created by Verant Interactive and published by 989
Studio will make you live many emotions. But before the adventure and the action start it is necessary for you to connect with the server of Verant and you must create an account, 989 Studio charge 9,89$ US per month to play and it is necessary to have a credit card. Then, like very good role playing game (RPG), you must create a character to enter the world of Norrath. This stage is very significant because your character will decide your way of playing. In Everquest there are 12 races (Barbarian, Black Elf , Nain, Erudit, Gnome,Half-Elf, Hobbit, High Elf, Humain, Ogre, Troll and Elf of wood). Each race has their own characteristics and their town of departure. Then you must choose a class, a little like a job, the 14 classes available are the following ones: bard, Priest, Druid, Enchanter, Magician, Monk, Necromancien, Ranger, Paladin, Robber, Black Knight, Shaman, Warrior and Wizard. You are now ready to face the captivating world of Everquest. From here it is more difficult to give precise information because the experiment will be different for each person. On
your arrival on Norrath you are equipped that bare
minimum: a weapon, two " easy interface to use" |
![]() " Great graphics !" and this one will reward you with an object. The book is useful in PvP (player vs player), which means that if you give this famous book to a priest of the discord which which can be found at the entrance of each city you will be able to beat you against other player who made the same decision. Of course the game is not perfect, since you are connected to Internet it can arrive that you have some " Packets Loss " (an indicator gives you information concerned) what means that you are not synchronized any more with the world of Norrath, you receive late information, which can cause certain problems. And sometimes it is possible that server on which you play is not available (for, most of the time, unknown reasons). But these faults are really minor, Everquest is the most absorbent game which I ever saw, you will not be able to stop playing. The force of Everquest is especially in the interactivity with the other players. Contrary to much of other games you do not play against and with the computer but with other human beings. The game strongly rewards the adventure in group and if you are alone it is very easy to found friend and go in an adventure with them. Now for the graphics, Everquest is really fantastic because you must have a graphic accelerator to play. Therefore the magic effects are beautiful and the decorations are surprising (wait to see the city of the Elfs of wood, Kaladim, it is to take your breath away). Everquest is really a game without end where you made your own adventure and which will keep you awaked much later than you will want to acknowledge it. |
Companies Developer Publisher Category NOTES Originality: 85% TOTAL : 90% Operation System Processor Memory Hard Drive CD ROM Sound card Video Card Accessories Multiplayer Rated
by ESRB |
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