Get Medieval

Wednesday November 18, 1998


Get Medieval, a fast paced and action packed game for arcade lovers

Sometimes there comes along a game that not only attracts new interest, but also brings out nostalgia for those veterans of the arcade. Get Medieval is that kind of game. I cannot even begin to count the amount of quarters I plugged into the arcade game Gauntlet, with the intrepid band of warriors, attempting to rid the world of evil.

Get Medieval builds it's own world and creates it's own band of heroes to delve into the dungeons of evil, collecting gold, potions, and equipment upgrades. This is not a game for the slow, as quick reactions and thinking are the tools you will need to continue. The monsters you will face (demons, spiders, etc) are fast and deadly, with some shooting projectiles at you. Most of the mazes I played were also timed, as after securing a skeleton key, you had to proceed to the next level and navigate correctly through the maze to the right door before the key evaporated.

To combat this endless tide of evil, four adventurers are available for you to direct in the mazes.


Deep in the Labyrinth


Our Heroes

There is Eryc the Elf, Zared the Barbarian, a sorceress named Levina, and Kellina the Warrior. Each one shares amusing one-liners to keep the adventure light-hearted, such as "Kiss my Arrow" , "Money Money Money", and the like. Like in any well balanced party of warriors, each had advantageous and weaknesses that the other players compensate for. Zared and Kellina are the muscle, unafraid to trade blows hand to hand (although Kellina does it with much more finesse), while Eryc and Levina attack from afar with arrows and magic missiles.

The game also provides solid multi-player support; you can either share a keyboard, play over the internet, or on a LAN. The graphics are clean and smooth, with over 40 levels to explore. A random dungeon generator is also included, so there will never be a lack of dungeons to explore. This is a great game, fun, fast and furious, it will keep you coming back for more!

Monolith Productions



Interest: 88%
Maniability : 85%

Graphics: 87%
Sound : 82%
Originality : 85%

TOTAL : 85.4%


Operating System:
Windows 95/98

Pentium 100MHz or better

16 MB of RAM

Hard Drive:
30 MB

Sound Card:
Windows compatible sound card

1MB SVGA video card

Andy Brandt




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