Microsoft Casino allows you to play at three different casinos the Mirage, Treasure Island at the Mirage and the Bellagio resort. The setting and looks differ but you can all play Pai Gow Poker, Video Poker, Carribbean Stud Poker, Blackjack, Baccarat, slots, Big 6 Wheel, Video Keno, Craps and Roulette. When you sit down at a table there is always a minimum and maximum you can set to play but you can change the amount if you want too. You will also notice that in the bottom right you have a quarter of a moon with a sign. As you win and progress you will earn price. The Pit Boss will come and see you , well a window will come up and you will get a VIP Complimentary card where you can earn meals, drinks, sleeping accommodations like the Penthouse suite, day trip like to see the Red Rock Canyon or events like a special pass to go visit the secret Garden of Siegfried and Roy where you will see rare animals like the white lions. Sometime you will get to see movie like some from Danny Gans. Each casino has their own perks to give you. Well you do not get to go see any of those things really you just can read a short description of your prize and collect them on your VIP card to review them later. Each of these games can be played by yourself against other players or you can choose to play Tournament. Let say that you are at the Blackjack table and you choose Tournament you play a specific amount of hands with the other players with the same starting amount the one at the end that earns to more money wins. |
You can also enter in the Casino Challenge where you will play different games starting in the Treasure Island at the Mirage then you move on to the Mirage then to the Bellagio. There is three version of the Challenge. The Freestyle Beginner Challenge where you can choose the game you want and go at your own pace. The Timed Beginner Challenge where you compete against the clock and can play any game in the casino. And the Advanced Challenge where the order and the game you will play are chosen at random making it more difficult for you if you are not familiar with certain games. Unfortunately there is no Multiplayer game mode to select. And sometimes the players you play against will make odd choices like taking card in Blackjack when when they should stand. You can not choose who you want to play against and if you bring your amount to high some players will leave and it takes a few rounds before some with enough money will come to play with you. Also you can always go to the cashier to get money there is not really a limit to how much money you can lose it is not a cashier but more like a unlimited ATM machine at your disposal. You will see many pictures of all of the casinos plus the perks differs from one to one. Microsoft Casino might interest you for the perks and the picture but will fail to keep your attention if you want to play with others in a multiplayer game. |
Companies Developer Publisher Category Notes Originality: 79% TOTAL: 76% Requirements Operation System Processor Memory Hard Drive CD ROM Sound Card Video Card Input Device Multiplayer Rated
by ESRB Julie Meyer
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