Micro Forté one of the oldest games studios developer in Australia and they are bringing us an high quality game, Fallout Tactics is a squad-based, third person tactical combat game with RPG character development and a mission-based story line which is published by 14 Degrees East from Interplay. Fallout Tactics is a squad-based tactical combat game set in the Fallout universe where you assemble your team and use your skills and tools in order to defeat your enemy. Before you start the game their is a Tutorial to familiarize yourself with the command and the interface. Like all the games that are on the market now it will benefit you to use the tutorial first is you want to enjoy the game to the fullest. After that you can choose either the Single player or the Multiplayer mode. In the Single game mode you start with a primary character with a limited amount of other characters, weapons, armor and with little experience with no vehicles. Has you will progress through the game you will get to earn more of those. In the Multiplayer mode there is two game types to choose from Assault or Skirmish. There is also 3 game modes to choose from Continuous Turn-Based Mode, Individual Turn-Based Mode and Squad Turn-Based Mode, |
Although it is a good game the AI need to be improve like when you click to bring your character to a place and there is some walls your character will go straight to where you have click and get stuck if there is a wall or anything else in his path. It does not know that there is an obstacle in the way. Also the fighting is not realistic at all some times like once my character was beating a soldier with his hand and the soldier shot at me like at least a half a dozen time at close range and I never died. The characters are also very little bigger character would of been more fun to watch and play with. The tutorial are well done it explains properly what you need to know to begin your game. The sound is also very good it plunge you into the action. The interface is easy to understand plus you have a PIPBoy that will record information like your briefings, dialogue and the map that you can access during your game. There is also buttons of each of your squad to click so you directly go to them without searching. Fallout Tactics is a fun squad-based game that will please the fans of this series and the newcomers as well. More information is in the Preview for you to read and mini-games to download to play. |
Companies Developer Publisher Category Notes Originality: 87% TOTAL: 89% Requirements Operation System Processor Memory Hard Drive CD ROM Sound Card Video Card Input Device Multiplayer Rated
by ESRB Kelly Wilson |
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