Time to Fly! |
Terminal reality, the one that developed Monster Truck Madness and also a founding partner of Gathering of Developers, brings us now a very good general flight simulation game. When you start fly! you will need to choose between 3 modes of play: Fly Now, Flight Planner or the multiplayer mode. The multiplayer mode is very well done when you click on it, it brings you the server of Terminal Reality, what they call Flight Party where you can fly with your friends or other pilots around the world. You have 3 chat rooms to choose from; beginners, intermediate, or expert to match your skill level. Then you can host or join groups or only a friend to fly with you anytime of the day. You also can search for a specific friend or just see who is available to fly with. After you decide who you want to fly with just go to the briefing room where you can chat and and get more info on the other pilot then your all set just click the Fly! button then off you go. The fly! now mode is just that fly right away in scenario already made. When you get to that screen it shows you 25 scenario already in progress to choose from like trying to land on the Golden bridge in San-Francisco or fly during a thunderstorm in Dallas. Each of them as a description to situate you in the scenario. then click Fly! and there you are in the middle of the action. This mode is ideal if you are a beginner or an expert that wants to be in the action fast. Flight Planner is a very exciting mode this is where you can choose exactly where you want take off and land. This is very precise you can choose over 9,500 airport and 13,500 runways, you even have a little map that shows you how the runways are placed and the length of each. And of course you can also decide what kind of weather you want to fly in. Choose your departing place and the your arriving place then click generate route then you have it all mapped out for you. You have 5 planes to fly with: Piper Malibu Mirage, Beechcraft King Air B200, Cessna 172r Skyhawk, Piper Navajo Chieftain, Raytheon Hawker 800xp. "Thunderstorm is coming!" |
"Very well design cockpit!" You can see the description of each aircraft and decide how much fuel and weight you want by adding and removing cargo or passengers. In the options section, you have all the regular options you normally find in this type of sim and more, like deciding if you can pass through buildings or not. But even if you do go smashing in a building nothing much will happen. Once I was on top of the World Trade Center and fell down, but to my surprise I was able to restart and fly off. On more then one occasion I try to destroy the plane by crashing at different places. Most of the time I could go back flying even when i was up side down. You also have only five planes to choose from, more would have been nice. And the graphics are good and bad, meaning at some places you don't see much definition but at other place like during the thunderstorm in Dallas the clouds and the lightning are incredible. That is because you can choose 4 types of clouds to see. They paid much more attention to five cities: New-York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and Dallas/Forth Worth. But the design of the cockpit is fabulous you have the buttons working and display clearly, no confusion there at all. You can see they paid close attention to the details like the runways and the map, with 30,000 map sections to fly in total. Many features alone would make fly ! good, like the radio operates using real frequencies and you can hear virtual pilots when you fly. The interface is quite easy to figure out and also you have a book of 288 pages that gives you a little history about the planes and how best to fly them. I did not go into detail with all the options but you will see that they all are easy to configure and learn. Finally Fly! stands out for ease and speed of use, with the Fly Now feature and all 30,000 navaids (small maps) on the map and also keeps the interest of expert pilots with the multiplayer and Fly Planner mode. No matter how you play, what will strike you first when you sit in the aircraft of your choice is how clear and well designed the cockpits are for each of them, giving a feeling of pure reality. |
Compagnies Développeur Éditeur Catégorie Notes Originalité: 89% TOTAL: 87% Requirements Système
d'Exploitation Processeur Mémoire Disque dur CD ROM Carte de Son Carte Vidéo Périphérique Multijoueur Classé
par ESRB Julie Meyer Golden Lion |
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