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Tuesday January 17, 2017 |
Brinno New Wi-Fi Front Door Camera and Full-HD Time Lapse Solution at CES 2017 By LadyDragon MONTREAL--( EST, LadyDragon wrote - As home burglaries, home delivery package thefts, and door to door solicitors continue to be a concern, home security products have grown to become more and more popular all across the globe. The PHV (digital PeepHole Viewer) series from Brinno was once the game changer of front door security products. With improved technology, Brinno has showned its latest Wi-Fi enabled PHV series at CES to include the following key features: - Retrofit: In just a few minutes, you can easily remodify your door peephole into a Wi-Fi ready version - Stealth: Don’t worry about the person on the other side. With this feature, visitors on the other side of your peephole can’t see you and don't realize that they are on camera - Wi-Fi version: See who’s knocking at your door from anywhere and at any time with Wi-Fi connectivity - Local Storage: No hidden, monthly fees! Local storage prevents you from paying anything extra out of pocket - Action sensor: Wouldn’t it be nice to sense when someone is coming to the door? With the action sensor you will be notified if anyone is approaching your front door - Battery Powered: Eliminating the clutter of wires and cables In addition to personal home security products, Brinno is widely known for its variety of professional and easy-to-use time lapse cameras. Also previewing at CES, the next series of time lapse cameras will come equipped with a smaller and more powerful camera enhanced with full HD resolution. Users will also be able to utilize time lapse and video recording capabilities and access a more powerful app with additional details to be released soon. About brinno Brinno started its design business in 2003, and has built a hard won reputation as a professional design power house with a solid clientele of world class tech firms. In 2009, Brinno envisioned future high growth of imaging market, particularly the potentials of time lapse video footages/clips for instant sharing, benefiting from improving broadband speed and easy cloud storage. The firm has since leveraged its deep design experience plus image processing and power saving technologies to produce a family of logoed time lapse cams that can be widely used both in business and at leisure. We are the first mover focusing on the time lapse photography advancements. We develop hardware and software solutions, and put them into one digital device to transform complicated, expensive and timeconsuming time lapse photo taking into simple, cheaper and user-friendly experience. We lower the bar in quality time lapse capture and target audience of mass market consumers. As of today, we carries our leading branded products - versatile time lapse cams (TLC series) followed by smart front door security viewers (SHC series) & portable surveillance cams (MAC series) with worldwide distribution channels. Please go the for more news LadyDragon Project --->LadyDragon's Eco-House Laboratory For Breaking news please Follow @LadyDragon13 Tweets by @LadyDragon13 |
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