For breaking news please follow LadyDragon on DLive , Gab, Steemit, Twitter and YouTube LadyDragon invites you to participate in her LadyDragon's Eco-House Laboratory project |
Monday January 28, 2019 |
Receive a 20% Discount on your Lapis Elixir purchase By LadyDragon MONTREAL--( EST, LadyDragon wrote - With the Special Discount Code of LadyDragon, you will be able to save 20 % off your order of Lapis Elixir and other Fulmina products. If your new to these products, it is very important that you start with the Lapis Pro and that you view my video for more detail informations as of why. 5 Fulmina products, 3 are new products with launching price until September 15, combined with LadyDragon's 20% Coupon Discount makes it a great saving opportunity for your purchases. The Lapis Elixir price is $1285US, now on sale at $996US combined with LadyDragon's 20% Coupon Discount brings the price down to $796US therefore your saving is $486US. How to Order your Lapis Elixir When you click on Check out, it will bring you to an other window Then at the top you will see this Have a coupon? Click here to enter your code Enter this code WAOLLADYDRAGON and received a 20% Discount on your purchase Then click on APPLY COUPON Then you will see your discount being applied EXPECT THE DELEVERY IN A MONTH OR SO Click Here to Order your Lapis Elixir Lapis Elixir The bioelectricity that carries to the heart of a cell the energy it needs; it triggers the cellular mechanism of the cleaning and resetting of the initial cellular programming. The good energy needed for a proper functioning of the reproduction of the life chain in a person’s organism by its actions on telomerase function (telomeres) and on mitochondria to stimulate the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Important: First, one must have taken and used the Lapis Pro for several months Click here to see the lists of all of the Fulmina products About Fulmina Fulmina Distri has regrouped already well known remedies, rare or forgotten, but still and always of very high quality. These products are being manufactured by skilled craftsmen or industrial corporations still thriving to attain a high level of perfection on the original raw materials, on the process of fabrication, that will guarantee the highest quality of product. Every single created illnesses possess their remedy. Mother Nature does not create physical disharmony without having first submitted to our attention a solution, coming either from our food, plants, minerals, vitamins, etc. Scientific information are Copyright of Fulmina For breaking news please follow LadyDragon on Gab, Steemit, Twitter and YouTube LadyDragon invites you to participate in her LadyDragon's Eco-House Laboratory project |
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