Monday March 01, 2004 |
PUBLIC TESTING STARTS TODAY FOR TERRAFORGE’S YUMMISOFT.COM WEB PORTAL; SITE GOES LIVE APRIL 1, 2004 TerraForge, Inc., www.terraforge.com, creators of the platform-independent Asgard Gaming Community (AGC), is inviting the public to test its new web portal called Yummisoft.com www.yummisoft.com which is scheduled to go live on April 1, 2004. The Yummisoft.com web portal offers a wide range of functionality including a searchable gaming magazine (articles, reviews, comics), a searchable database of thousands of video games (information, downloads, walkthroughs, maps, hints), playable MMO games, real-time live industry news feeds, email, forums, guilds, personal pages, chat, and a shopping system for all gaming needs – all with the security of a Parental Control System. "Yummisoft.com also offers streamed radio interviews with Editors of top game sites," said Adam Mateljan, CEO of TerraForge. "We asked 14 editors to participate in our first series of interviews, and we were pleased that every one of them agreed – and did so within 48 hours. Those interviews have been completed and will be broadcast beginning March 1." Anyone who wants to become a "community tester" of Yummisoft.com can register (free during March only) by visiting www.yummisoft.com. Feedback about the site will be welcomed. Portal to Asgard Gaming Community: Massively Expands Communities Yummisoft.com members have full access to TerraForge’s technology, called the AGC, which makes possible – for the first time – the massive expansion of game communities because it allows the creation of online games that players can access, and resume gameplay, using any platform they choose at any given moment (PC, Macintosh™, Sony Playstation® 2, Nintendo GameCube™, Microsoft Xbox™, or PDA). The AGC eliminates current restrictions (e.g., PC players can only compete with other PC players) and allows all players – regardless of their platform – to participate in the community. "Our technology lets us create games that players can, for example, access on their Playstation 2 or other platform at home, and then continue gameplay on a PC, Mac, or PDA in another location which provides a new global community of ‘anywhere, any time, any platform’ accessibility to our online games," said Mr. Mateljan. TerraForge’s first two titles, currently in development, are Acres and Yummiverse (www.yummiverse.com), slated for beta testing in April and June, respectively. Both beta tests will integrate with the full functionality of the AGC. Gamers are encouraged to visit www.terraforge.com for more information. About TerraForge Founded in San Diego in 2001, TerraForge has created game development technologies which allow video gamers to play with and against one another, regardless of what system the use -- PC, Macintosh™, Sony Playstation® 2, Nintendo GameCube™, Microsoft Xbox™, or some flavor of handheld Personal Digital Assistant. Through the use of these technologies, video gamers can now interact with a massively expanded community. |
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