The best gun system so far ! |
If you like shooters or games with guns then you will love this gun system, Act-labs GS. Act-Labs is actually a company based in Vancouver , Canada that creates high quality products like The RS Racing system the Eaglemax joystick. They have done in the past good guns for the console put now they have create this outstanding gun system for your PC. The first thing that will catch your eye is this slick futuristic silver look of the guns. Not only they look great but the feel of it too. They are very light not too big or small so it fits all the type of hands women or men. On top of that the is made so that no matter if you are left-handed or right-handed it will not matter because they are done symmetrically the same on each side with one trigger and one mounted black button. Also included is a hand controller with 3 buttons that has the option of emulating a mouse. All of them are attach to the base with a 6 feet cord to give you free motion. The base is compact and cover inside with black rubber so that you can rest your guns there without scratching them. Not only they have all that but in the future they will release special guns for different games so it will last you for a long time. That is all very nice but can they shoot properly ? Yes they can. Included with the system is a game called Top Shot a mix of shooting inside to practice your aim and cops and rubbers popping The entire system |
Nice looking gun up that you need to shoot down like the old Duck arcade games to start you with. The guns are optimized with different games like Die Hard Trilogy 2 but they are added some always so before you install your driver that comes with the system I advice that you go on their site get the latest drivers so that you are always up to date. When you install your system only need the driver no need to install any expansion card because it goes into a game port and regular video PC connection and it is compatible with the major 3D accelerators. And the device works as a direct Imput controller. You will have to calibrate them before though and each game are different. Will find also that the accuracy factor will differ depending on the game you are trying. But the biggest problem with it the side buttons is unreachable so you need to use your other hand. Again depending on what game you are playing and how important the button is, it will frustrate you. Hopefully since it is a gun system they will improve the future ones. You will be amaze to know that the accuracy of each shot is to within 3 pixels in resolutions up too 1600 x 1200. This system is compatible with VGA video cards and CTR and extra large monitors even the one over 21 inches. Like a racing system is a must for fans of racing games well Act-Labs GS is a must for any fans of shooters if you want to experience the real feeling of a gun in your hands while you shoot. |
Company Act-Labs Category Notes Precision: 92% TOTAL: 92% Requirements Operating System Processor Hard Drive Video Card Monitor Screen Resolution Connection Yvan Lacasse
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