Wing Commander:



Wing Commander: Prophecy is the next step in the Wing Commander Series,
and brings a lot of new action with it!!!!!!


Well, first off, I thought the original Wing Commander series was pretty cool. After I saw the pictures for Prophecy, I thought "Well this is awesome! It has a new 3d engine and more!", but part of me thought "Hey...this game could be just like Adrenix, with a low fun factor, and eye candy graphics to cover it up." So after I got Wing Commander: Prophecy and installed it, I started it up for the first time...WOW! Awesome shield effects, great graphics, your wingmen actually help out, and it's just plain awesome fun!

So here's the story: Ancient Kilrathi prophets foretold the utter destruction of all life in the universe, and now is that time. A new alien species has entered Confed space, and the only line of defense between
it and the end of all life is the crew of the TCS Midway. Continually on the
run from the alien forces and cut off from any contact with Confed HQ, the Midway has fought a delaying action across several systems. The Midway sends a distress call for supplies. You are Lance Casey, recent Academy graduate and member of the fighting force that will be the galaxy's last hope. You have to secure the system before the Midway moves on, protect the transports and their vital cargo, and stop an enemy carrier that is even now in aggressive pursuit…

While Playing this game, I noticed something: Descent Freespace is just a copy off of Wing Commander Prophecy! And if I were to choose between the two, I'd probably choose prophecy, because it's a lot more my opinion, anyway. Practically every option I thought was cool in Descent Freespace was in Wing Commander: Prophecy! Interplay coppied every option, from the way missiles lock, to the shields on crafts, to the little window that shows a picture/stats of the enemy ships!!! But Interplay changed it just a little, so that it is sort of different.

During the game, I loved the little movie screens with people talking to you, and I love the comments that your wingmen and enemies say. This is really a fun game once you get truly enveloped in the storyline. The planets & asteroids in the game are true 3d and are really realistic, and the lighting effects are quite good.

This is one sweet game. You should download the demo today and see all of the graphics and how fun it is. And if you have a graphics accellerator, it will look a zillion times better. The 3dfx Version of Wing Commander: Prophecy has some of the best graphics I have ever seen, and is one of the best Space Simulation games ever.




Interest: 95 %
Maniability : 92%
Graphics: 97%
  Sound : 90 %
  Originality : 90 %

TOTAL : 94 %


Operating System:
Windows 95/98

Pentium 166 MHz or Higher
(Pentium 133Mhz with 3d accellerator)


Hard Drive:
At Least 43MB Uncompressed Space
(63MB Recommended)


Michael Pieczynski




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